Bevan Square, County Durham
Durham County Council have granted planning permission to a development of 23 homes at Bevan Square, which includes four, two-bedroom bungalows and 19, two, three and four bedroom houses, all provided as affordable housing through a mix of rent to buy and affordable rent tenures by believe housing.
Central to this scheme’s layout is the retention of a central landscaped area that is currently well used by existing residents and will be enhanced further with new planting to make it a more attractive feature of the site and provide a pleasant aspect for new and existing properties.
A SuDs (Sustainable Drainage System) basin is also located to the north eastern corner of the site to provide a sustainable drainage solution, as well as an interesting area for social interaction and wildlife.
JDDK Director and Project Architect, Mura Mullan, said, “We were obviously delighted to be appointed to the Believe Housing framework and are excited about these first two schemes for them, which will both provide high quality affordable housing to meet local needs in County Durham.”
Kate Abson, Director of Development at Believe Housing, added, “The high quality and energy efficient homes we’re proposing will help meet local demand and support local services and amenities.”