Newcastle Schools
Following a competitive bid and interview, the Practice was appointed to develop schemes for the Space for Sports and Arts initiative at five First and Primary schools (Chillingham Road Primary School, Farne Primary School, Wyndham Primary School, St Catherine’s C of E Primary School and Hadrian School) in the Newcastle City Council area.
The aim of each project was to provide a singe badminton court sized hall with ancillary facilities, which could be used, for sports and arts activities by the school as well as local community groups. Whilst the brief for each school was similar the design solutions developed by ourselves varied enormously school to school depending on each particular site and needs.
Each school has a highly active sports and arts group made up of staff, governors and parents to act as user client for each project. Detailed briefs were developed by the Practice with these groups, identifying quite differing needs in each school. Budgeting constraints as well as the need for multiplicity of use in most of the projects led to design challenges being met with creative and innovative solutions.
JDDK went on to be appointed to design and deliver 4 sports and PE related projects in four secondary schools in the City including a 6 court sports hall and associated fitness, dance and changing facilities; outdoor synthetic turf pitches and MUGA areas; a new teaching and hydrotherapy school specifically designed to meet the needs of students with specific special needs; and an outdoor and adventurous activity centre.